Sunday, May 29, 2011

Running... or Lack Thereof

About two weeks ago I had a really bad week of running - to the point I struggled to get to three miles, which isn’t normal for me. Seven was rough too, but somehow managed 11 miles last weekend. I thought it was weird at the time and the thought entered and exited my head in seconds that maybe I was pregnant and that’s why my body is acting exhausted - ?

I know a lot of runners who become pregnant continue their sport through a couple months [or more!]. I’ll be honest, I’m pulling on the reigns. I’m probably one of those first-time women who is going to do everything with caution - and over exercising is one. When I saw the two lines on the pregnancy test, one of my initial thoughts was “Yes! I don’t have to run 12 miles tomorrow!”

And no, I’m not doing the Half Pig like my January goal was. I’m not doing that to my body and not sure I could even physically handle it. And I’m not bummed about it! If my mile memory can kick back up, there’ll be other years!

So I think I'd like to keep doing a few miles a week at a minimum, and have thought of mixing in some prenatal yoga and other strength moves.

Fit Momma!

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