Friday, December 23, 2011

Newborn Christmas

3 Weeks

Nora is 3 Weeks! Last week had ups and downs - I had a hard time with Nora being awake for 4 hours which I know is silly  - she really needed to go down for a nap and just would not give in! She’s been better at having pleasant awake time - she’s more wide-eyed and alert. We can’t wait until she starts responding to us. 

The nights have been good overall - we’re still averaging 4 hours sleep to start the evening, then waking around 2am to eat and getting a little more sleep between 4am-6am. So not bad overall, just trying to fit naps into the daytime when I can! 

It was great seeing family and friends and getting out of the house over the holidays. At the same time I’m still a nervous Mom who was worried about her baby’s schedule and trying to make sure she’s getting her naps in and feeding when she needs. 

It was great having Tim home for 4 days over the holidays - a second pair of hands is always so lovely. Back to juggling me and the baby by ourselves! 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Growth Spurt?

2 Weeks

Last night was annoying - she did great and slept from 9:30 - 2am, but then was awake until 3:30, slept half an hour, up at 4am, down at 4:30 then up again at 5am when I fed her. Finally slept from 6am - 9am. 

Then today she didn't fall asleep until 1pm - argh! 
Plus she's been fussier when trying to latch and can eat every 1 1/2 hrs - I think she may be going through a growth spurt? 

Moms, sound familiar?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

New Toys

Tim and I have been wanting a laptop to upgrade to for a while now. We bought our iMac with most of our wedding money - 2005! The sucker is old and very very slow. 

I received a lovely award of money at work and Tim will have a holiday bonus, so we went ahead and got a 13" Mac Probook and will be upgrading my iPhone to an iPhone 4 in January - which will have a video camera in it [instead of buying a separate video camera]. 

I love not being tied down to the office space and the flexibility of having access while out in the living room with the baby. Not to mention wireless - woo!

So while on some of my daily blogs, I found another new Mom and this gorgeous photo of her with her son - I need to try out my Moby wrap too!

Monday, December 19, 2011

We Caved

2 Weeks Old

Nora is back to birth weight - go girl! Very relieved to know she’s getting enough food. Our pediatrician also told us to give her an extra 2oz after her 10pm feeding [like we have a schedule??]. So we’ve been doing that every night this week between 10-11pm and she sleeps for a 4-hr chunk - woo! Then she’s typically awake from 3am-5am and sleeps again until around 7:30 on average. We’re pretty thankful.

Mid week though, we were getting a little desperate for evening soothing techniques. You can only “shush” so much until your mouth starts to go dry and swell up. The vacume and dustbuster are decent options - not to mention I can get cleaning done. However, we broke down and plugged her with a pacifier. I’ve read so many varying opinions on pacifiers and really didn’t want to create a habit, but, damn if you want to soothe your baby it works! We’d rather try and break that habit with a child who can respond than deal with a crying baby now! 

I also completely revise my breastfeeding goal. One year? My God, I’ll be excited if I make it 6 months. The time it takes, not to mention to create a stock pile in your freezer? Insane. I don’t mind the feeding,  honestly, I just truly think I won’t be able to keep up! But like everything, I’m trying to take it day-by-day and week-by-week. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Nora's Birth Story

Nora's Birth Story

Saturday evening, December 3rd, Tim and I decided to go out to dinner - one last “date” for a while, plus an early birthday dinner for me [good timing, huh?] 

Most of Saturday I'd actually had some pink-tinged T.P. when wiping and towards the evening had small cramps. I was fairly certain this was the beginning, but wasn't certain since I hadn't seen “The Plug.”

After getting home from dinner, I made sure to go to bed at a normal early time - by 10pm. But as I lay in bed, the cramps continued and were definitely spaced apart for some time. 

Finally at 4:20am I woke Tim up - “I’m having surges!” We stayed up for a bit of time while I walked around and the surges became slightly stronger. I called my doula around 5:15am to tell her I was starting and to make her way over as she could - Anna arrived at 6:30am Sunday. 

For the next 11 hours I switched between pacing my house, moving in different positions and trying to lay down and rest in bed while listening to my birth affirmations. At some point in the afternoon the surges became strong enough that I started moaning through them just to help me mentally. Hanging around Tim's neck [like a high school dance] helped as well. Resting in bed helped a bit - I'd start to fall asleep but the surges would wake me up and I'd have Tim massage my lower back. That's the one place I was not expecting pain - my lower back! 

I was curious that Anna hadn't really intervened at all yet - she simply sat on the couch and observed my reactions and would suggest positions to relieve any pain.

Finally at 5:30 we decided to make our move - my surges were very strong and very close together - about 5 minutes. 

We got to Bethesda North around 6pm and admitted myself. I tried to be cautiously optimistic about how dilated I was - luckily I was already around 5cm! We got to the room and my surges continued to get stronger. I can't even remember how I passed the time - I know I used the massive shower at one point to get some hot water on me during some surges. I spent a lot of time on the bed, leaning over the birthing ball. 

At some point I was laying on my left side getting through a surge when I felt a POP! and a gush of fluid - I flipped out a little bit “Oh my God, my water just broke! ACK!” It felt like buckets! I know from that point on was G.D. intense - I cried through a lot of the surges and definitely whimpered that I needed help/an IV. Anna, Tim and the Nurse just reassured me that I was really, really close. We'd been told that's just our uterus talking through our mouth that we were near completion : ) 

My body started really taking over as we approached midnight and I could feel my body bearing down and physically starting to push Nora out. I was on my knees on the bed, facing backwards and draping my body over the head of the bed, and truthfully, I was YELLING through the surges and finally cussing. And crying a bit too. Dr. Bowen showed up around 11pm when I felt I just wanted to push at this point. I think I had a half hour of my body bearing down, then finally they said “Okay, you don't have to try and relax anymore - you can push as you need!“ 

The end of the bed was dropped down and I held myself on the upper half with what arm strength I amazingly had while I squatted my lower half down. I spent probably half an hour pushing - this part was not painful compared to transition! I became extremely determined and kept saying “Let's do this! Come on, girl!” I think I was talking to both myself and Nora. Bowen and Anna were pretty impressed that as I pushed Nora down, her head stayed in place instead of sliding back up. I tried to take it slow to avoid tearing [but it happened - oh well]. 

Feeling her come out at 11:51pm was so crazy and neat - Tim watched and was amazed that he saw her head come out purple, but watched as she took her first breaths and her head became pink. She slid on out and was brought directly to my belly. All I could do was gasp and say “Oh my God! Holy Shit!” 

They all asked what her name was and I said "I don't know!!” I looked at Tim and said "What do you think of Nora Noelle?” and of course he was on board. I think her hair color determined her name : )

We spent our two hours with her on my chest and at 2am were moved to our recovery room. My entire family met us in there at 2:45am to congratulate us and say how proud they were of me - it was very special. Finally around 3:30am we asked the nurse to take Nora to the nursery so we could get sleep. I'd had a bit of tunnel vision and was feeling [obviously] extremely weak and needed sleep. 

Staying in the hospital is comforting at first - lots of help and people watching over you. Then you get sick of the revolving door of nurses and staff who are there to check on you, check on the baby, get you breastfeeding, give you food, etc, etc. By Tuesday PM we were definitely ready to get home and start this journey on our own feet. 

She's approaching two weeks old now and we're still learning about each other and I try to have patience when it's hard - I have to remember she's so stinkin' brand new and she doesn't know any better or care whether her Daddy and I are doing it “right” or “wrong.” 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Such a Learning Curve

1 Week Old

Well it’s been one week now and I do plan on sharing Nora’s birth story - I’m try to write a bit here and there when I have a moment!

It’s definitely been a learning curve - I don’t mind terribly getting up every 2-3 hrs to feed her. It’s hard having to wake her though when she’s so peaceful! Hopefully after 1-2 weeks we can let her sleep a little longer - ??

We had been worried - it took her a few days before her first BM - our Pediatrician got her finger up there to check for any “plugs” but there were none and that little prodding let the floodgates open! Literally - all over the doctor's table - it was a riot but I was so glad she was movin’ them bowels!

Breastfeeding has also been a learning curve - what an artform! We’ve gotten better but I’ve been using the shields which I know isn’t helping her with a proper latch. And trying to keep the amounts balanced on each side along with being able to pump here and there - it makes your head spin! I plan on making an appointment with a lactation consultant to really get on the right track hopefully.

I think the hardest thing so far is that Nora doesn’t seem to have a calm wakeful time. She sleeps, then she wakes up to eat, after she eats, we try to burp her and if it takes too long she starts whimpering and being fussy, then if she starts crying, it's game over and she's awake crying and fussy until next feeding. Tim wonders if she has indigestion, is that even something a baby can have at one week? We’re going to bring it up on our Tuesday appointment to see if there’s anything more we can do than every soothing technique in the book!

Friday, December 2, 2011

39 Week Bump

Ready For...

39 Weeks

I’ll be excited to get back to:
- sleeping on my back and stomach
- somewhat-fitting into my old clothes
- a great beer
- a glass of wine
- brie, feta, and blue cheeses
- sprouts
- caffeine (though I was never dependent on it)
- eventually back to running - one mile will feel like a milestone again! I’m kind of looking forward to seeing how my body responds and if I have “Mile Memory.”

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It’s Starting...

38 Weeks

The comments at work. “You’re still here?” “Haven’t had that baby yet?” No. I’m just barely 39 weeks people. Common folks must not know that most first-time mothers go 8-10 days past their due dates. So please stop frustrating me, I’m trying to mentally prepare myself to go at least 41 weeks! 

People also think I’m crazy to still be at work and not stay home. Well do you realize how precious those maternity days are? The US/insurance standards for paid maternity leave are dumb so I’d rather keep busy here then sit at home organizing my closets for the umpteenth time and wasting days that could be saved for March.

I’ve also been going through rollercoaster emotions; excitement followed by anxiety mainly. I probably read too much instead of following the path of “ignorance is bliss.” I’m like my father - I research! I’ve read too many books on breastfeeding and sleeping that I’m so nervous about setting a good schedule for her! And will I mess that schedule up when I go back to work? 

This will be a major lesson on many levels - I want to be able to “go with the flow” and try to be as laid back as I can for the sanity of all of us! 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Yes, I’m Still Here

38 Weeks

Nothing much to report on. Thanksgiving weekend went too fast as always. It was fun seeing family and friends. 

Saturday morning Ailo and I went on a walk and I swear The Boot dropped lower. I had eaten breakfast around 8am and Tim and I were running errands by 10am. By 10:30 I was feeling “off” - we pinned it to needing to eat again and not enough water, so we answered that. I was still feeling really strange, so when we got home I took a nap from 12:45-1:45 which is still rare for me, even pregnant. I had an overwhelming sense of my body telling me to slow down. I felt much better afterwards and enjoyed my nap.

People are surprised I’m at work today - some truly thought I’d be home with the little one by now. I wonder how many more of those comments I’ll have to endure - hopefully not another 3 weeks!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nursery - Check

37 Weeks

I finally feel like the nursery is put together. I pulled a “crazy” pregnant move; we had originally painted a bookshelf with some white paint for the nursery - however, the paint we used was an outdoor paint and as long as it’s been in the nursery, I could still smell the paint fumes and went paranoid that if I can smell it, there’s no way in hell I’m letting my baby inhale that. So thanks again to IKEA and cheap products, we bought a small bookshelf that looks better and leaves me have peace of mind.

We also had the carseats inspected on Thursday night - we didn’t realize how much information we’d receive. Nor did we realize how many “dangers” there are with all the gadgets the baby industry wants you to have have in the back with your baby. Projectile umbrellas, baby mirrors and baby toys - oh my! 

So now we’re really, really done with the major checklist and waiting for her arrival! November or December??

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Drop It Like It’s Hot

37 Weeks [Full Term!]

Weekly check-in today. The Boot has officially “dropped.” My Doctor felt her head and could not rotate it, so she’s locked in place! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Testing, Testing...

I went to bed at 9:10 last night because I had to get up at 5:15 for a 7am meeting with a client in Singapore. Awesome, yeah?

I’ve been sleeping on my left side for months now. I woke up at 11pm in pain - just on my lower left side. It felt “uterine” - not stomach or intestine. And I was pretty sure it wasn’t a contraction - this pain was constant, not coming and going, slightly piercing if I moved a certain way. After about 15 minutes, Tim called the Doctor’s office - I told them it was a constant pain, but subsided when I walked around. They said to drink some water and Gatorade and walk it off.

I continued that for about an hour. Tim was really great and calm and was doing his best to relax me with foot reflexology.

Finally around 12:30am I just wanted to lie down and went down on my right side and the pain went away. I didn’t know what it was, but it rattled me a bit. 

Called the Doctor’s office again this morning and the office manager said the baby was most likely in an awkward position - on a nerve or round ligament which can take a while to shake out, and is usually piercing or burning - that it was! 

Last night felt like a test - I think Tim passed better than I did!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

STILL Chowing??

36 Weeks

I have been eating like a hound at lunchtime lately. I thought the massive amounts of gorging stopped around 2nd Trimester - ? 

Small spinach salad
Leftover pasta with kale
3 new potatoes
Half a piece of bread with butter 
Snickerdoodle square
5 mini candybars leftover from Halloween.



36 Weeks

Talk about bizarre - we inadvertently created an owl theme for BGK’s arrival - sheets, trinkets, a little stuffed owl from my cousin. I’ve always liked owls - the wisest of the animal kingdom, right? 

Well last night I woke up and heard two of them very close by, hooting in the full moonlight - the first time I’ve ever heard them in the wild! It was so neat and I think I saw their silhouettes up in the very top of a tree behind the house. It was a very comforting sound and frankly, I like the New-Agey stuff, and consider it a sign that maybe The Boot in on her way? 

We’ll see!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Continuing Traditions

35 Weeks

I saw an article about homemade Play-Doh and it reminded me of how creative my Mom was when we were kids and she entertained us with crafts - she actually made her own Play-Doh that was completely safe - so much that I remember licking it and it being very salty!

She also bought Dixie Cups with Smurfs on and we’d cut the cups up and take old computer paper [with the green and white lines!] and Stephanie and I would create homes and trails for our cut out Smurfs to walk along. 

I’m also trying to build The Boot’s library and fill it with classic books I loved - I stumbled over Richard Scarry today! 

I’ve also been trying to sing a morning song on my drive to the bus - my Mom sang us a song in the mornings that I’ve already been singing to BGK in my belly. 

It’s endearing how these memories stick with you and grow with you when you become a Mother yourself.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Creakin’ and Saggin’

35 Weeks

My body is definitely prepping - this weekend when I would get up to use the restroom, I nearly fell down because my hip joints hurt so bad! Probably a combo of a very busy Friday at work and needing more support at night between my knees. It’s been better, but my body is definitely shifting!

I also looked in the mirror at work this morning - I had at least 8 hours of sleep and for some reason I have bags under my eyes! Ack! Thank goodness Katherine has passed me some De-Puffery eye cream from Origins. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

35 Weeks

Okay, I think I may have reached “uncomfortable” now. The belly is truly in the way and my joints are... creaky. They don’t ache, but they feel tired in a way - like after running 8+ miles. Our birthing instructor said after 34 weeks we should try not to sit back so the baby will stay in proper position - frustrating because I really want to lay back at the end of the day! I’m taking her advice with a grain of salt. 

Work has been relentless this week. My team counterpart is in Geneva for another week, so hopefully by the time she gets back I can start easing up a bit. I’ve already passed a photograph shoot off to someone else because I just can’t imagine at 36 Weeks having the energy to stand around directing a photoshoot all day long. 

We’re also starting to get in what last Pre-Baby visits we can - once Thanksgiving hits, I’m not sure how I’ll feel about going out and such. 

The Boot is still a rolly polly little being inside - I’m not sure what “normal” activity and movement are, but it feels like she doesn’t stop moving all day! Lots of feet kicks at the top of my belly. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Just Some Thoughts...

34 Weeks

As I enter Week 34 [!] I’ve been thinking that I truly have enjoyed/do enjoy being pregnant. It’s a content feeling and fulfilling, it’s amazing watching my middle section morph and grow, and feeling The Boot roll around daily in my belly is comforting - I’ll miss those waves of motion!

I want to enjoy this, because we truly don’t know whether we’ll do this again or not.

Every day I’m thankful she’s in there. I think it’s ironic how when you’re younger you try to prevent pregnancy and then when you decide you’re ready -  your body may not work with you.

I’ve also realized the importance of having family nearby. My only regret in life thusfar is not living outside of Ohio [I guess London for 2 months partially counts], but now that we are moving to “newborn” stage, I find it comforting to know so many family members are close by, excited and ready to help when needed.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wee Hats!

33 Weeks

Oh my gosh who was I kidding - these partial pink items are great! I like when they are paired with browns. I hope to goodness she still comes out a girl - otherwise, we’ll need some new clothes!

And since I’m not a hat person [ahem, the hair!] I’m going to enjoy finding fun hats for The Boot!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

33 Week Bump

I feel like this side photo is a bad angle - all belly. But that’s how I feel and what’s starting the lower back aches! 

I dropped a few more dollars this weekend on clearance long sleeve shirts - didn’t pay over $10 for any shirt, but everything in my closet isn’t LONG enough! I even have a pregnancy top that isn’t long enough anymore! Ack! 

Hopefully these 4 tops I bought will last me the rest of my time!

Friend Shower

Last weekend our close friends threw us a casual shower - families welcome, heavy appetizers, beer and great weather! The kids had fun outdoors and even had their own planned activities. The Dads participated in one very funny diaper-changing competition. 

It was absolutely perfect and lovely and fun - just how we’d want it! 

The lovely hostess had a coworker create this hilarious/amazing bump cake and adorable owl cupcakes - the shower was themed slightly owls and I loved it! My friends pay close attention : ) 

I think we’re fairly well set with what we need - returning a few doubled items should help out with the rest of the nursing/feeding items we need. BumGenius is having a Buy 5 Get 1 Free sale up until Oct 31st  so we’ll be taking advantage of that to get all our cloth diapers gathered. 


33 Weeks

Had a busy week - interviewed our last of 3 pediatricians - I think the 3rd will be our choice - they are about 2 miles from  home and Dr. Fernandez was the calmest, most soothing woman I’ve ever talked to. 

We’ve also jumped onto the life insurance boat - another grown-up necessity. 

Tim and I both felt stuffed up and cold-like this week. We can’t figure out if it’s from stupid flu shots or not. Blech - I really don’t like medicine and vaccinations. The list of vaccinations for BGK was daunting and I want to read up on each one. 

I’ve also been doing BGK’s laundry this week so everything is washed and ready for her - what little clothes! It’s a good thing I don’t mind doing laundry.

And yesterday was a fairly nice quiet day - I say quiet, but I still ran to 4 stores for returns, then came home and cleaned the house. Then SAT - yesterday is the first day the lower back pain has kicked in. I’ve been practicing yoga once a week to keep my body limber - those Cat-Cows should do the trick. 

Today we’re going to Little Sprouts - my favorite USED baby store in Mason. Very cute things and Sundays, preggo Moms get 10% off. We need to get The Boot a winter hat and sweaters! 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Baby Video

My Dad sent this to me - very cute spin on the usual “weekly” photos!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Night-Time To Do List

Saturday morning and Sunday morning this weekend I woke up just before 4am and laid in bed awake until close to 5:30 am. My mind starts going and I cannot turn it off - mainly just a To Do list! Finances, emails, shopping, etc. Ridiculous. 

Both mornings I’ve nearly just risen from bed and started my day, but luckily succumbed to the pillow for another 1.5 - 2 hrs. My Mom does this often, too - she’ll send an email at 3am because she’s just... awake. Luckily we have a very quiet day planned so if I need a nap, I’ll squeeze one in!

Again, this is probably good practice for what’s to come!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sorry, not a baby post -

[I never said this was a baby blog : ) ]

I wish we’d done this earlier, but we replaced our kitchen counters - woot! They were probably put in ‘97 when the house was [cheaply] built - white laminate and a cheap, cheap stainless steel sink. Easily stained and our disposal was weak, constantly having our kitchen sink back up - gross and stinky. 

We wanted to get this done before The Boot arrived - not to mention it will be a more user-friendly kitchen when we’re busy with her and cleaning bottles! We don’t have the money for new cabinets or the patience and time to paint them, so we simply added hardware which helps a bit aesthetically and functionally!

The most wonderous part; the integrated sink! My parents had this in their house and it’s just so darn nice, no goop and crumbs getting stuck in a sink seam. 

Tim and I were amazed at what makes us happy at ages 31/36 - ha!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Just a few more bump photos - 29 and 31 Weeks! And yes, those heels are comfortable to me...

More Interviews...

Started “interviewing” Pediatricians this week - 2 of the 3 places we’re visiting are more of an open  house. Only one we actually get to sit down with an actual practitioner - hmmm.

Last night’s open house was fine - nothing really sparked with me at this option. Of the 5 couples, I feel like I was the only one asking questions, and I was the only one taking notes - ?? Tim reassured me, I’m just like my father and research more than the average Mom - ? Plus most of those couples are probably just going to sign up with the first Pediatrician they visit.

I had my family shower this past weekend - it was so lovely and touching that a lot of people drove far distances to celebrate BGK. Everyone was very generous with their gifts and I feel better knowing we have more of the “gear” we need to feel ready for her arrival!

Friday, September 30, 2011

End of A Busy Week...

1. I’m having a frustrating clothing day. I’ve decided I like full-panel pants way better - these short-banded jeans are driving me nuts, they don’t stay up and none of my shirts seem long enough to hide the preggo bands. I feel like I’m going to have to do more small laundry loads just to be able to wear what works!

2. Your average Jane Doe fashion blog? I’m over it - they annoy me and it seems really self-indulgent to me... maybe I’m just jealous I can’t fit into anything!

3. The person who told me “You don’t get a trophy for natural birth.” Really? I thought that was the only reason for doing it. I just bit my tongue and seethed under my skin. Please don’t throw that comment around until you know the reasons behind someone’s decision to have a non-managed birth.

Wow I’m glad this week is about over - I’m cranky!

Monday, September 26, 2011

NOW I feel like a grown-up

I’ve been driving a ‘98 Corolla since my senior year of college. Nearly 10 years. And lately when I’ve driven it - I feel like I’m still in college, and not in a good way.

I knew I wanted a car with a hatchback and have always had my eye on Subaru Outbacks - the Matrix has made us both dependent on that sweet uplifting door. I also wanted fairly safe and decent mileage even though I think I’ll be continuing with the bus. AND Subaru is known for being a little “greener” than most auto companies which is always a plus in my book.

So we went to test drive one we found online at Busom Subaru in Fairfield - it felt really comfortable and safe and drove well - I was pretty much sold. The amount of room is amazing - Pack-n-Plays, diapers bags and one goofy dog could all fit in there : )

We talked numbers and I was happy with where we netted out - I’m a “new” car owner for the first time in my life! It’s a 2011 Outback, graphite grey, and was used as their service loaner so it has about 7,200 miles, therefore was more affordable than a brand-spankin’ new one.

Despite owning a home, being married and pregnant, for some reason this car finally makes me feel like an adult - funny, huh?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Never-ending To-Do List

I had a wave of overwhelm-ness this week. [That’s a word, right?] Work has been very demanding lately and I’m toast by the time I get home. Tuesday I was falling asleep on the couch by 8:30.
On top of that I’m continually reminded that I still need to find a pediatrician and childcare. Sigh. Have I mentioned I’m tired of interviewing people for a child that is not here?

I have 3-4 Pediatrician ideas within a few miles of us - I’m not even entirely sure what to ask yet. I know evening and weekend hours will be important though!

Two women I know have suggested using to find childcare. Ideally I’d like someone around our area out of their home who will accept a 3-day pay - Tim and I are thinking about each working 4-day weeks that overlap so BGK is only in childcare 3 days a week for a while. Fingers crossed...

I finally scheduled our hospital tour for this Sunday. And at some point I need to get a flu shot - not only to protect BGK first, but the past two years I’ve been blindsided by the flu - gross.

Oh and life insurance too...

See - I’m the donkey.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

That Doula Thing...

I’d been somewhat familiar with doulas prior to becoming pregnant - I thought it was a “hippie” thing... I would never say that now; I see doulas as another support tool to help women in labor and delivery who don’t want medical interventions. 

Since this is our first time, the OB isn’t always with you and nurses are in and out, I could only picture Tim and I alone in the delivery room with wide eyes and no idea what is going on. The doula is non-medical support during labor and after - can tell us what’s going on and help with positions to relieve pressure and move labor in the right direction.

Studies have been done that having a doula support you reduces the length of your labor, reduces the chance of a C-section, there are fewer complications, and babies come out healthier and breastfeed more easily. Of course, you can never predict how a birth will go, I just want to stack my cards for the best result!

Our doula will come to our home when I’m in labor and help me focus on getting through my surges [contractions] and will tell us when the best time to leave it - I plan on staying home as long as possible!! 
She’ll also come for a visit after birth to see that we’re getting on well and breastfeeding is going well too. 

I’m hopeful and eager to see how her help and support works when the time comes!

Doula in the circle, ya’ll!

Friday, September 16, 2011

You Are Going Deeper...

Our first Hypnobirthing class was great - only 5 other couples so it feels more “intimate.” All ranges of ages and people. 

It was a nice mix of information about the benefits and stats of a calm, relaxed birth and we even started relaxation practices... it will take some training, but I feel good - I shouldn’t try sitting up with crossed legs because my foot fell asleep! 

We walked away with a CD - the first half [25 mins] is just verbal affirmations such as “My body is in control.” “I become increasingly relaxed as my birth progresses.” So yes - cheesy, but I want this stuff ingrained into my subconsious! 

So the second half of the disc is a 25 minute “hypnosis/deep relaxation” that I’ll listen to before bed every night. The same woman simply talks about waves of relaxation moving over parts of your body and as I got comfy, I listened and tried to put my mind there... well it worked because I don’t even remember getting to the end of the session! 

I’ve got these bad boys on my iPod and plan on taking it to the hospital with me! 

Let’s do this!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Third Trimester Switch!

27 Weeks

Well I knew women did it, I didn’t know I’d be one of those women - I’m switching OB practices at 28 Weeks! 

I’d been with my current OB/Gyn since college and have always been fine with them. But now that I’m pregnant and have an idea of how I’d like my labor and delivery to move forward, that practice doesn’t fit what I need. 

They have about 6 OBs and 2 Midwives, but on the day of delivery I have no idea who’s going to show up. Second, all those professionals range from midwives [Woo Natural!] to High-Risk OBs [Natural? Right.] Every visit I was seeing someone new and it just didn’t feel right - I never felt I “knew” any one doctor well. I even had a Midwife tell me “Oh Dr. ______? She won’t like your decision.” Really? That’s not comforting and I don’t want someone in the delivery room forcing me to take any procedures that I don’t want. 

So I’d never been totally comfortable there. Meanwhile, as I’m interviewing doulas [more about that later] two of them recommended the Bowen Center in Springdale... I had a consultation yesterday with Dr. Wall. He was extremely nice and listened. There are only two doctors and they share the same philosophy that OBs can be supportive of natural delivery in a hospital setting. I felt very comfortable there and he even walked me around the small office and introduced me to the staff members - wow! This is where I should have started - I wish I’d known sooner!

So now I feel 4/5 prepared; I have the hospital that is equipped, I have the doula, I have the OB and we start Hypnobirthing tomorrow night. Now the only missing piece is ME! I hope I can train myself to mentally do what I need : )

Labor position!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bump It

26 Weeks

Just a few bump shots to pass the time...

Gift for Daddy

26 Weeks

I bought Tim a gift - a neat book called Show Dad How - funny and easy to read, yet surprisingly informative. It also shows you how to teach your child ninja skills.