Sunday, May 29, 2011

No April’s Fool

I woke up early Friday [April Fools Day] morning at 2am and laid there for nearly two hours. My head always starts up and I have a hard time shutting it off - especially when your monthly visitor is late and you're never late. Ohmygodohmygodwhatifwhatif.

It was hard not thinking about it all Friday at work. I told myself “Okay, if I still haven’t gotten it by the end of the day, I’ll leave work early and buy those pee sticks to take home.” It wasn’t as awkward to purchase as I thought, but dang are they expensive!

Tim said he was leaving work late at 6pm - perfect. I’ll take a test and know before he gets home. So I got situated, took the test, and left the bathroom for a good 5 minutes. I came back, slowly opened the door and peeked down at the test. Two. Red. Lines. Equals. Pregnant. What the hell! I think then I got a little dizzy and water came out of my eyes and I sat and held the dog. The emotion was more shock and awe with a blank face of disbelief.

Tim came home around 6:45 and after he settled in, he asked why I looked like I was in such a good mood and I told him wide-eyed and showed him the test. More shock and awe and WHAAHH?

The rest of our night was a lot of unability to focus on anything, random laughing and constant “This is so messed up!”

Here we go!

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