Monday, July 21, 2014

One Baby, Not Two

31 Weeks

For the second week in a row, a Kroger employee has balked at my belly. 

Last week, the cashier next to us asked Tim with wide eyes, “When is she due?” September 20th. “Do you think she’ll make it? That baby looks low.”

This week I went by myself and my sweet older bagger told me I looked like I had a lot going on and when I was due [with leery eyes]. I told him and he asked me if it was a single birth. Oh My God. I assured him one baby was in there, though it was my second child.

I mean, I feel big, but I know I got bigger at the end and I know I have more growing to do. I’m also aware I could be carrying more amniotic fluid since Hannah can’t swallow much due to her Duodenal Atresia. Though I don’t know this for sure b.c no one has told me how much extra I’m carrying since week 24.

I went back and looked at my 31 week with Nora - same dress. I think I look about the same. Mom, you think I’m further out, too, but I’m not so sure. Either way, was fun to do a side-by-side.

*Edit 7/22: Tim said the bump is bigger on the right, too - I get it, I concede : ) 


  1. I love bump comparisons! It looks like the one on the left you are slightly leaning away from the camera. At first I thought the one on the left looks bigger but the one on the right looks slightly fuller because of the lighting. Either way, you look really good! I think it's your stick legs and arms throwing everyone off. ;) I got super huge with my second one--even my maternity clothes were getting too small! You look absolutely perfect.
