Sunday, March 30, 2014

15 Weeks

Nothing too much to report… I feel like I haven’t been getting as many runs in as I’d like to. I’m still keeping up to 4 miles per run, trying to keep up to 6 on the weekend. Technically, I could have kept training for the Half Pig, but not comfortable pushing my body away from the task at hand. I’ll be curious to see how long I can really go… the nurse practitioner told me to just wear a bellyband to support the belly weight.

I’m actually bummed I’m missing the Half Pig, Hudy 14K and new fall Queen Bee Half, I like being part of the running community and pushing myself. But a friend brought up a good point, “I wish I could take the year off!” Fair enough - enjoy this time to take it easy and not on a strict running schedule.

I think I was itching to get back on the pavement when Nora turned 3 months old. I’d managed to find time and trained and made my first Half Marathon when Nora was 10 months old. I’m more nervous about finding that time with two little ones. Not sure if Tim will feel he can brave that alone time with 2 littles, or if my sense of obligation will keep me from training for a while. Will need to talk to other running Moms how they do it with multiple small ones!

In the meantime, I’m starting to brush up on my birthing and baby books.

My favorites birth books:
Your Best Birth by Ricki Lake [yup],
The Thinking Woman’s Guide to A Better Birth by Henci Goer
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin

*All are biased towards natural birth, but still gives fantastic information about your other choices; I don’t think a lot of women know all the choices they have, or the side effects that are possible with some interventions.

My favorite baby books:
The Happiest Baby On the Block by Harvey Karp [Tim and my favorite]
Eat, Poop, Sleep by Scott Cohen [a first time Dad and pediatrician]
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth  [contribute Nora’s good sleeping to this book]

Now I’m going to pass out at 9:30pm….

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