Thursday, September 4, 2014

Nora Meets Her Little Sister

3 Days Old

My Mom is graciously staying at our house for a few days so Tim and I can get quality time with Hannah. They had an adventure finding their way here [don’t ask], and Nora was on her best behavior in the NICU. Pretty quiet and reserved. 

Her first words were, “She’s so cuuuute!” “Mommy, Hannah’s out of your belly!” We explained that Hannah had her belly fixed and had medicine and was getting better. 

After about 5 minutes, Nora said “Let’s get out and have a snack.” Enough of little sister already : )

Hannah got Nora some toy cars!

Hannah got a “bath” last night and a bow this AM! 


  1. I hope you feel as great as you look! Congratulations to the whole family - Hannah is adorable! And I hope Nora got her snack...

    1. Thanks Jamie - I do feel pretty good for the most part! And yes, Nora got her snacks : )

  2. Love those family pics! Nora's reactions were great!

  3. Welcome to beautiful & precious Hannah. Congratulations to Big Sister Nora, Mom & Dad <3
