Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fresh Face

NICU, Day 12

Friday Hannah had her NJ tube removed - we can see her face clearly - yay!! The NJ tube in her nose was how she was being fed continuously. Now that she’s getting bolus feedings [feedings through the G-tube] every 3 hours, she doesn’t need the NJ tube. 

We aren’t up to full feedings… for instance, Hannah will probably go up to 50mL of milk today. Whatever the difference is of a full feeding, that bit of nutrients is still coming through her PICC line in her arm. Once she hits full feedings [the amount is determined by her weight, which is above 5 lbs now], she can get her PICC line out and head home. 

We will continue to work on teaching her bottle feedings, so the G-tube is in place to make sure she can go home but still get fed. If babies were here until they learned bottle feedings, no one would make it home in a timely manner!

On we go!


  1. Keep up the good work, Hannah! So proud of you!

  2. So do you get tired of hearing how cute she is? Oh man, I remember the day we went up to Iris' room and could finally see her face. So happy for the Krons!

    1. I do not get tired of people telling me how cute she is : D
