Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hannah is Home!

NICU, Day 17 : Discharge

Well, we kept tight lips because many people are told they’ll be released on a specific day but are pushed out another day or so. We were told last Saturday that Wednesday would be our discharge, but we didn’t write it in stone. 

As the days went by and Hannah had no problems, we realized, “Holy cow, we’re getting out of here under 3 weeks!” We’ve been so proud of how tough and determined Hannah has been - the staff loved her and always commented what a star she was : ) 

I’m not sure how we’ll ever thank Children’s Hospital… participate in fundraisers or volunteer… we’ll find a way to pay back! They truly are the best of the best and everyone cared for Hannah. 

Tim worked Wednesday morning and arrived at 1:30pm - by 2pm we were walking out with Hannah in her car seat, all smiles! The staff smiled at us - they knew it was our big day. 

We arrived home at 3pm, just in time to feed Hannah and settle down a bit. Our friend, Emma was on her way to pick up the “community” maternity clothes I’d left on the porch for whomever comes next - I was ecstatic to be rid of them! As much as I enjoy being pregnant, I’m so happy to get back to my regular clothes. 

SO - Emma was surprised by us being home and was able to hold Hannah : ) 

Tim brought Nora home by 6pm and she kissed Hannah for about 15 minutes and helped me give Hannah her bottle. Nora has been very sweet, but needs to be reminded to be gentle!

Our first night went well in newborn terms - Hannah only cried when she was hungry - around midnight, 3am and 5:15ish. Of course, I had to pump all these times so my partner in crime fed Hannah while I pumped. 

I’m pretty tired, but not exhausted like with newborn Nora - it helps we’re already seasoned veterans! 

We’re all happy to be under the same roof and start life as a family of four!


Goodbye Cincy Children’s

 A cute gift from Aunt Kathy & Uncle Jaimie!

In the car : ) 

Still deciding on the vibrating chair...

Baby station!

Pile on!

Mommy & Daddy celebrate Hannah’s homecoming with Mommy’s fancy Landor champagne : ) 


  1. yay! everyone looks so happy! and hannah looks like she's already growing a lot! i love that crib picture of her! good luck with the nights.

  2. What a great moment bringing Hannah home! So sweet!

  3. Glad you had such a great hospital experience and happy you are all home where you belong!
