Thursday, August 4, 2016

Oh Hannah!

To start - I cannot [and can?] believe our nugget is about to turn TWO - what?! It seems I was just crying about the NICU, exclusive pumping and tube feeding!

I think I may have posted that we decided to stop her tube feedings the first week of July. She eats just fine - will eat most food - and is doing great. If you aren’t forced a load of pureed food in your stomach, you’d get hungry and eat, right? 

I was incredibly nervous with this experiment. I’m a rule follower. So this past month I’ve been a bit crazed making sure she’s getting as many calories as she can - especially since she’s even more active now [more about that later]. Butter, cheese, full fat yogurt, whole milk, you name it. 

As you all know, I think this whole thing is horse-hooey. If you’ve seen our family, we’re all long and lean. Just because Hannah has Ds does not mean she’ll be that different. And individuals with Ds swing towards being overweight so I am not about to get into bad habits that will stick. 

SO - yesterday was the big weigh-in. Last weigh-in was a two month gap and she gained nothing. Thank heavens she gained weight!! Not a lot, but enough to be satisfactory and no one chastised me for pulling the plug [Hey-Ohhh!] on the tube feedings. Hannah is 22lbs and 31.7". She averaged over 7g/gain a day which is close to what the team “wanted.”

So I am thrilled our peanut is close to getting off the tube. I’m more uncertain she’s getting enough fluids, but we force it on her a lot throughout the day. 

We see her GI specialist on Aug 31st, so I’ll be interested to see what he says. 

Biggie Girl sitting at the counter!

:: Hands in the air ::

Next, today Hannah had her eye follow-up. We’ve been patching for three long months. And well; over two hours a day which is minimum. 

Dr. Motley said to just keep going... sigh. For FOUR months. He doesn’t feel surgery is needed, but doesn’t see concern for Hannah’s left eye turning in. As if it’s just part of her far-sightedness. She *may* grow out of it? 

Blergh - it’s annoying but there are far worse things to deal with!

My preppy little cutie!

Finally - whoa Nelly, Hannah is itching to move. We’ve been off this week for “vacation” and the timing has been great - we’ve seen Hannah pulling to knees then stand, she’s attempting to start to stand and is crazily climbing the ottomans onto the couch/chair! 

We’ve even caught her actually crawling a bit on both knees instead of her unique scoot. 

I need to get a video of all this! If you have a typical kid, you just assume this will happen and wait for it. I am literally helping Hannah climb our staircase as physical therapy. I’m teaching our daughter all the “annoying” things so that she can reach her goals. It’s a new level of appreciation for those milestones!

I actually was afraid she wouldn’t be walking by preschool, but this past week has blown me away - get it Baby Girl and keep roaring!

I love how big the 2T clothes look on her : ) 


  1. Yay, Hannah! Seeing her accomplish all these things makes my heart happy! No stopping her!

  2. Go Hannah!

    And on the weight front - my sister's older daughter has none of Hannah's challenges but was in the 24-25# range at age 3. My sister is 6'3" and her husband is 5'10" and their oldest ginormous like my kid, so there's no explaining it!

    1. Thanks for that! It's good to know even typical kids just plain don't gain weight : )
