Thursday, June 2, 2011


13 Weeks

I had blood drawn yesterday which wasn’t a big deal. What I wasn’t expecting was an ultrasound! I felt bad, I told Tim not to come since I thought it was only bloodwork.

The technician goo-ed me up [warm thankfully] and started digging at my pelvis - unfortunately I had to pee so bad! And she could tell. She didn’t have as much movement with the wand as she wanted, so she told me to use the restroom. Whew! I felt so much better and she could get a better read on Baby Kron.

And there the Little Boot was! After I used the restroom, Baby woke up and was moving! Big stretches too : ) Little Boot is looking pretty big - I believe he/she is the size of a peach now. Saw limbs dancing around in there and even saw the top of his/her head and both lobes of the brain! Wow!

I was bummed Tim wasn’t there to see, but luckily came home with three great photos to hang on the fridge - woo hoo!

Next appointment will be Week 16 with a Midwife - yay!

1 comment:

  1. wow! that would be so cool to see! yay! so excited for you. i'm glad you are feeling well. little boot-- aw! xo
