Sunday, April 27, 2014

Epic Mulch Pile

I love our house. It has it’s issues, but it’s built fairly well [unlike our last cheaply made home] and I love the layout, coziness and privacy. The only thing this house does not have for me is a flat walk-out back yard. Our lot is lovely yet really landscaped and hilly. 

The first spring we held off doing anything. The previous owners obviously had neglected keeping on top of the landscaping, close to looking badly. There hasn’t been new mulch in probably 3 or more years. Because there is a LOAD of it. This lot is probably more beds than actual grass, which is patchy. 

Tim and I decided to pick a few main spots to focus on this year since we cannot afford to do the entire lot. How expensive? Try TWENTY cubic yards. Visuals below for scale. Most people we know max out at like 8. We are convinced we do not have enough, I’m not exaggerating. 

As of now - assuming the weather, Dear Lord, holds hour - we’re paying the three nephews to come help Tim out. Tim was going to start a dent in this behemoth so that I could get my car smoothly out of the driveway. So since most of the chores were out of the way and the weather was nice, this 19-week old preggers grabbed a mini-rake to spread mulch while Nora napped! We actually got a few small bits done which felt like a huge accomplishment and we guess we moved about 5 cubic yards. 

The neighbors always tell us how the previous owners barely mowed their grass, so I constantly remind Tim that even if he did half of what he thinks he needs, it’s still better than what was happening here previously! 

To note: Nora hates the mulch pile. She watched the truck dump it and when we took her out to see it she said it smelled and she started shaking! She asked to be taken inside! I guess a combination of the size and smell is too much for her familiar territory. She even told Amy & Chris about it up until this past morning. Who’dve guess?

Hoping for clear weather next Sunday!

Now that’s better.

Better bed, patchy grass : (

Ailo supervises with a chewed stick.

20. Cubic. Yards.

A dent.

A dirt bed.

Part of what will be tackled with nephews.

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