Friday, February 10, 2012

Mommy Time Part 2

I hadn’t mentioned that last week Thursday my team at work got together to celebrate one of the girl’s upcoming nuptials - Tim was great to take a half day so I could take off by 4:30. Even though Tim is my equal in this parent thing, I was so nervous leaving Nora - making sure she was content and they had everything they need; re: a full bottle. 

Getting out and seeing my coworkers at Local 127 was more fun than I anticipated - it was great to talk to other people than Nora and Tim [no offense lovies!] and having some apps and a champagne bevvie felt fabulous despite its trivial-ness. 

I was only there about an hour and a half and came home to Tim and Nora and a nearly-full bottle - DOH! Miss Nora has been spoiled by the boob and has forgotten how to drink from a bottle or, really, refuses because she knows she can get much fresher by crying enough that I succumb to her tears! 

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