Thursday, December 17, 2020

Ailo Surgery

Well, just two weeks after my surgery, Ailo was up for his. 

Sweet old boy is 11 years old and the fatty (benign) tumors are starting up. The one on his leg was wrapping around a nerve so they wanted to remove it. We also got his teeth cleaned while he was under. 

Poor guy came home pretty beat up and I totally forgot he’d have a cone on! 

He was miserable... it took him a few hour to even lay down. Didn’t eat food for 48 hours. The plastic vet cone looked so huge and uncomfortable, I went back to PetSmart to get him a smaller, softer cone which did work out. 

The stitches were pretty gnarly, but by now his fur has grown back and you can barely see it now. 

He’s a good boy and getting old ❤️

This donut was good in theory, but he could reach the stitches.

Long sock around head, cone around neck.

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