Friday, January 6, 2017

Ears to You, Kid

So yesterday we had our ENT follow-up based on Hannah’s hearing test

Dr. Willging found she still has fluid in her ears, however, it’s not infected and it doesn’t seem to bother her. 

Sooooo Dr. Willging said he’s going to wait another 6-8 months. If, at that point [three total months], the fluid has not exited, he will insert tubes to drain because this lingering fluid can - and is - affecting Hannah’s hearing. She can hear, but it’s muffled. 

Boooooooo! I truly expect it to still be there in 6-8 weeks based on our track record. I was really hoping for zero medical procedures in 2017. 

I mean, aren’t there some home remedies for this? Warm sea salt in a sock? I just feel like this is another excuse to shove tubes in a kids’ ear : ( 

So we’ll take any prayers, positivity, and voodoo to get this fluid out. 


  1. Boo! I hope some how it goes a way so you don't have to have tubes put in. But I have to say, I love that smile Hannah!

  2. That two-teeth smile! She's so happy.
