Backing up!
Went to the Ren Fest back on Sept 25th with friends - we thought with her love of Robin Hood, Nora would love it - she did! I think after almost two hours she became overwhelmed though. And Hannah fell asleep in her stroller. Nice time overall!
Little Ewan! |
The two big sisters enjoying the Beowolf mudshow with Miss Emma. |
Joust! |
Too much mead & turkey legs. |
Not sure if I’ve mentioned what Nora wanted to be for Halloween. Robin Hood. She threw me. It was originally going to be Princess Aurora [Sleeping Beauty] but pivoted on me. Challenge accepted! Found a pretty good [not exact] hat at Cappel’s - our home town’s Halloween store. A coworker lent us the fox mask. I found a women’s small green polo that we will cinch with Nora’s own belt. Then we’ll fashion some sort of bow and arrow from what’s in our yard and house!
Nora went to her friend’s for a birthday party [our sitter] - and was asked if she wanted to spend the night - ! Whoa. So since they are one mile away and we know them well, we said “Sure!” It went very smoothly.
This was Nora's costume at age two. Awww! |
Love Nora's costume choice! oodalolly!