Tuesday, October 11, 2016

It’s Potty Time!

As you should all know by now, children with Ds develop slower than their typical peers. 

This includes... potty training.

Looking back, training with Nora wasn’t too bad - we just went full in with the undies and dealt with the accidents. Nora was cool with learning, didn’t fight it. 

I’ve been nervous with Hannah - I knew we would delay starting. But she’s now two. She’s close to walking... it’s worth trying out - right? What’s also hard is the communication. Nora was easily talking to us by 16 months so that helped tremendously. Hannah... we’re going to have to sign - which has been good, I hope we can communicate the potty training!

I’ve heard of some children being trained as late as five or six years old - yikes. I really hope Hannah can master before that. From what I’ve read, the average is three to five years. I hope we can be on the lower end of that...

We brought up the little potty and I sat her on it this past weekend while Nora was on the big potty. Hannah freaked out a bit as if to say “Mom what are you doing?? Get me off of here!!” So I took her off. 

Fast forward to today when I saw a missed call from Alison [panic!] - but then saw a text from her: Hannah pee-peed on the potty! WHAT?! I guess Alison just gave it a shot - Hannah freaked out again. Alison calmed her down and at that point, Hannah peed! Zowie!

We plan to keep it up, even if today was a fluke, at least she now has the first step to learn! 


  1. Wow! Go, Hannah! (in every sense of the word)

  2. We also started last week - decided it would be best to wait until after our trip (and the jetlag) to make big changes. He peed twice and asked to use the potty once the first day! But nothing since then. It'll happen.
