I feel like Cincinnati is the city that Cries Wolf; 2 out of 3 times, the bad weather predicted is not bad weather. Most times I take the bus to work on bad weather days because I feel so safe on the bus and don’t have to deal with the hazardous conditions. Which I did this past Friday, even though for a split second I thought, “Maybe I should drive to leave early…” [The first bus out of downtown doesn’t leave until 3:40pm]
Well, ON the bus checking my work email, my coworkers were emailing suggesting everyone work from home - DOH! Easy for the project managers to do, not as easy for the Creatives to do since we work with large files stored on servers. Oh well.
I got some work done and emails out, Stephanie was super sweet and offered to pick me up and drive me home around lunchtime. Was nice to see her and later on very thankful I got home early.
It was awkward timing to pick Nora up from the sitter because she was probably laying down for her nap, so I let her stay there until I knew the nap would be over later. So I got stuff DONE at home; worked some more, dishes, cleaned bathrooms, vacuumed, tidied up, etc. Any Mom knows how glorious 3hours of alone time is.
By the time I went to get Nora at 4:15, conditions actually WERE bad! I could not appreciate the Subaru Outback more than during winter months. I love my Outback. Felt very safe getting Nora with all-wheel drive.
On the other side of the coin, Tim called at 5pm [he’d left work at 3:45pm] to say he’d made it ONE exit, had already bounced off a pickup truck and slid off the highway. Dear Lord. The snow wasn’t going to let up, so we decided he should just keep inching along.
Nora and I hung out playing and were getting ready for her bedtime when Daddy walked in at 7:10pm! Thank God he made it home safe! And just in time to kiss Nora goodnight.
Today, the roads were very well cleared here in Milford, and we went out to play late morning - Nora’s 1st time in the snow! Yes. We’re kind of late on that train. We were only about about 15 minutes since it was below 30˚ - Nora really enjoyed it, Ailo was having a ball.
We had an awesome low-key family day!
Snow Doggie! |
First time walking in snow! |
Another new puzzle! |