Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Our Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Weekend

Oh you guys. The stomach bug. No messing around.

Somewhere, somehow it hitched onto Hannah and started there Thursday night. 

We’d gone to bed at 10pm. 11pm Hannah starts crying. Tim tried to soothe her, then I went in to try. As I sat her up in my lap - BLAT! Over her, me, and Tickle Me Elmo. After cleaning everyone up, we all settled back down around 12am. 

Friday AM, she threw up some more while Tim tried to feed her. I wasn’t sure if it was a stomach bug because we’d taken her off her reflux meds - and that reaction can be rough. But when Tim said she wouldn’t hold liquid down, I knew it was probably the stomach bug. 

Friday Hannah spent half the day with Tim, half the day with Nana here. [Nana we apologize and feel terrible for exposing you : ( ] 

Friday night, went to bed... 2:30am Nora walks in “Mommy my head and belly hurt.” She crawled into our bed, and as I lifted her out - BLAT! Over me, her, and our bed. Sigh. She was still in surprising good spirits as I gave her a bath at 2:35am on a Friday night. She went back to bed as Tim and I stripped our bed and find extra bedding for ourselves. I didn’t fall back asleep until 4am. 6am: “Mommy! I spit up on my pillow!” She did - thankfully just a small amount. Also thankfully, we all slept another hour or so. 

Saturday Nora was okay - not hungry, but drinking fluids. I ran out to Target and Kroger to get weekly needs. I was feeling off. 
Nora napping on the floor Saturday - 11am

I got home and I slowly went downhill. I napped from 2-3pm. I was nauseous all afternoon, waves of it. Finally at 5:30pm it culminated to an epic bathroom run. Ugh - I forgot what it’s like to get sick from a virus - violent and terrible. 

Tim put the girls to bed, I went down at 7:30pm. Slept until 5:45am when Nora got up to go bathroom. She started hoovering food right away. 

I was weak Sunday AM from not eating, but felt better - I immediately started drinking tea and toast to get my energy back in case Tim fell. Which he partly did... he never vomited like the rest of us. 

The juxtaposition of a sick baby; snuggles.

You know how I Nora is better? She’s chewing on AILO'S DOG TOY.

Nora and I managed a half hour outside this evening. I was so upset our entire weekend was wasted - it was so nice outside. 

Now there’s a beautiful thing!

It was amazing how quickly Nora bounced back. Hannah, however, still has not. No appetite since Thursday. Has been laying her head on everyone, constantly wants to be held. Just not herself still. Breaks my heart to see her so lethargic. 

Hopefully we don’t have to deal with that for a long time - BLAT!


  1. I thought of you last night and wondered what was new with your family - so sorry to hear about your weekend of BLAT!

  2. Hope the Krons are back on their feet...sorry, but I literally laughed out loud at Nora chewing on ALio's toy. Kids are weird!!!
