Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Photos and Frustration

First are some photos from some fun friend playtime; meeting babies Llewyn and Ewan! 

That’s a lot of kids! Big Sis Evelyn, Tim is holding Evelyn’s brother, Ewan. Ellie wanted to join us, too!

Mr. Ken holds Ewan with the girls!

Daddy William with Ewan, Daddy Chris with Llewyn.

This past Saturday was Hannah’s birth group playdate. Just her and I went for the hour. It’s always nice connecting with the other families; talking about our therapies and hurdles. Then I became a bit sad. Hannah is the only kid not on the move. A lot of the kids are about to turn two - they all had their ankle supports and toddling around. Most other kids were at least crawling over everything. Even the kids younger than Hannah. It broke my heart. 

I’ve been down about her lack of mobility since seeing her peers; are we not working her enough? Is she ever going to move? I have slight guilt for working. If one of us stayed home like every other Mom in our group, would she be moving by now? Is our sitter doing enough with her? I’m pretty down about it. “She’ll get there.” Will she? I know about 3-year olds with Ds who don’t walk. I don’t want to get to that point. Seeing your child SO behind even her Ds peers is crushing. I’m trying to focus on all the good we have, because we have a lot of it.

Hannah, Wyatt, and Bea. Wyatt also has a g-tube so his Mom and I converse a lot!

*“Well Christine, why don’t you just stay home?” Easily said, right? Then we’d be living in an apartment, have to find new insurance, struggle to pay our own bills, etc. We’d probably have to give Ailo away... you get the picture?

Not every family has the option for someone to stay home. Some women also enjoy working outside the home. Also, why aren’t men called “Working Dads?”Also read a great quote from Emily Henderson “ should lean OUT instead of women leaning IN.” Right on, Sister. Sorry about the tangent!

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard not to compare and feel guilt as a parent no matter what. You are doing what is best for your family. Hugs Momma. You guys are doing an awesome job!
