Monday, September 7, 2015

“Vacation” - i.e. My Week With the Girls

Our sitter took a vacation the week prior to Labor Day. So I had to take “vacation.” (Remember - Tim’s vacation is alllll gone) I clearly use quotes because we all know staying home with two small children is the opposite of vacation. It’s an unpaid J.O.B.

We loaded up the week with Hannah appointments, Nora’s pre-preschool meetings and playdates.

Monday Hannah breezed through her hearing test - woooo! She’ll have an eye exam in October which I’m nervous about - her left eye does turn in a lot, so I hope the worst case is just adorable baby glasses - ! She also needed bloodwork for her thyroid - ack. It was actually the least-intense blood draw I’ve had with her thus far : P

Tuesday Help Me Grow came out and fawned over how well Hannah is doing sitting and reaching. We just need to get those baby arms strong! Her toughest challenge will be going from a laying to sitting position on her own. Yikes! Hannah is doing better with food and drink - we think we’ve finally figured out she eats better with savory than sweet! 

Wednesday we had a playdate with a good friend... it went okay for the most part, but Nora not only did Nora pick on her own friend, but was a beast trying to leave. Reprimanding at a friend’s house basically meant leaving earlier than I wanted. Figuring out what what discipline works with Nora is a moving target... Age three is HARD.

Thursday my Mom came over and that felt like a vacation day; Target by myself? Danger! It was awesome.

Friday we had my coworker and her daughter over who is one week older than Nora. They’ve met before and got along great. Upon arrival, Nora asked if the little girl wanted to go play in her room and the little girl declined. Well, this was NOT the answer Nora wanted - the “no” answer basically set the tone for the short time they were here - ugh. Nora refused to play with her playmate on any account. It was brutal. I was so embarrassed, but you can’t punish a child for not wanting to befriend someone and get along. ACK! 

My week home was a mixed bag; I had really hard times and a lot of pure high times. I can truly say each night I went to bed, my head was calm and I felt un-stressed. I’m going to miss the sweet faces and am excited for our busy weekend ahead: our first Buddy Walk and Hannah’s 1st Birthday Bonanza! 

1 comment:

  1. I swear 3 is the hardest! I'm glad you did get in a little target vacation, too. ;)
