Sunday, January 25, 2015

Surgery Date!

20 Weeks

We finally have a “tentative” surgery date: Wednesday, March 4th. That was the first available day - ! I say “tentative” because we could be bumped due to any critically ill newborns or heart transplants. Fingers crossed that does not happen - we just want to get through this already! I’ll have to ask the surgeon how frequently repair surgeries are bumped for emergencies. 

We will meet with our surgeon, Dr. Roosevelt Bryant this Friday afternoon. We’ll bring our list of questions that include “How long will the repair take?” 

If that Wednesday is a go, the day before [Tuesday], she will have another EKG, bloodwork and chest X-ray. Boy, oh boy. 

Again, Hannah’s repair seems to be straightforward, and from what I’ve read of other babies, they are usually home in 5-6 days. I would be delighted if we fell in that camp, too. 

As a reminder, this will be open heart surgery. Hannah has an Atrioventricular Septal Defect [AVSD]. She is missing the wall between the two main chambers of the heart as well as valves. Therefore, her blood is mixing in her heart and working very hard to get out to her body and she wears out quickly. 

If you are the praying type, we ask for a smooth surgery, an even smoother recovery, and that Hannah learns how to drink from a bottle not long after! 

Thanks again for all the love and continued prayers - we need the most for this next hurdle! 


  1. Oh wow. I didn't realize it was open heart surgery. Lots of prayers for a quick release and recovery. And thanks for posting the feeding tube. I really had no clue how that worked.

  2. Praying for that sweet little girl's successful surgery and strong recovery!

  3. Definitely keeping Hannah in my thoughts. She's growing strong! Glad she will be in the best hands.
