Thursday, October 2, 2014

Running = Happy

1 Month

Had my 4 week OB follow-up this AM. Thankfully I’m healed up well. I was worried because being the busy-body I am, being sedentary is not in my genetics. Last Friday I did some online yoga and I went a little harder than I should have and bled a few days. It’s totally gone and my OB said nothing was wrong down there… just read my body.

I’m sure my body has mile memory - it did with Nora. I’ll be curious to see how quickly I get to 3 or 6 miles.

The super challenge will be running with TWO children on TWO schedules. I hope Hannah gets to some loose schedule by 2 months old - just so the family can get into some kind of groove. I’m sure by the time I get back to work she’ll be there.

I’m not sure if weeknight runs will be a reality anymore… I guess we’ll see. It might have to be at like 8pm : P  Tons of other Moms figure this out, we will too!

1 comment:

  1. Juggling 2 schedules was mind boggling. I kept thinking I'd forget to feed one or put them down for a nap or change their diaper. It gets a lot easier with each week. And I'm pretty sure I never forgot to feed or nap them... they wouldn't let me forget. Good luck getting back to running! It will happen!
