Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Update: Getting Evicted

35 Weeks

I had a Nonstress Test [NST] at my OB this morning at 9am... it went okay, but Hannah was not active enough for their liking. I ate 3 Twizzlers and not enough - ! So then I was told to stick around for a Biophysical Profile [BPP] - basically just another Ultrasound. 

It was shorter than usual, maybe 10-15 minutes. 

Dr. Bowen and the other practitioner came into my room to talk about any findings - which weren’t any, really. Hannah’s heartbeat and movements are all good and well. She’s still very small - about the tenth percentile. She’s about 4 lbs 7 oz, where typical babies would be around 5 lbs 4 oz. 

Dr. Bowen doesn’t want to risk any more complications or [God forbid] stillbirth, so he offered me an induction once we hit 37 weeks [Labor Day weekend]. Tim and I obliged - it’s not what I envisioned [hell, what has been this pregnancy??], but of course we’re doing what’s best for her. 

I’m still going for another NST and BPP at Bethesda Prenatal Center on Monday, then my 36 week appointment is next Thursday - Bowen will check me “below” and make a recommendation on how to induce. I’m thankful for my OB - he’s very supportive of natural methods and I’m confident he won’t jump straight to Pitocin. I know some women are successful being induced with Pitocin and not getting an epidural, but it’s few and far between. It’s a very hard drug to labor with. 

I’m hoping for other methods such as stripping/breaking membranes, a Foley bulb or a Cervadil net. A lot of women I talk to didn’t even realize there were other options! 

So I’m guessing we’re looking at the first week of September... which falls into my vision of Sept 4th - ! 

Stay tuned... 


  1. !!! I believe my sister had her membranes stripped to get labor started with both of her girls. It wasn't comfortable, but she gave birth within a few hours. That and Cervadil seem to be the preferred - if necessary - options according to the Bradley Method. I'm glad they're offering you induction vs going straight to a C-section, and hope that the next couple of weeks are speedy and healthy.

  2. oh my goodness... what an appointment! again, it sounds like the doctors are on top of everything. sending hannah love from indiana!

  3. Good luck with the labor and delivery!

  4. Good luck! Can't wait to see pictures of her!

    I had cervadil and pitocin, but no epidural and it was totally doable. I hope that's encouraging if you have to go that route! You got this.

    1. Great to know - thanks for the boost, Mandy!
