Monday, August 25, 2014

Today’s Nonstress Test / Biophysical Profile:

36 Weeks

Today’s tests went very well - Hannah performed well for the perinatal center at Bethesda. She did fall asleep, however, and had to have the noise wand buzzed at her head which startled her and in turn, startled me that she jerked! The technician said “We know she hears well!” Geez! 

Hannah is up to 5 lbs - woo hoo! Which makes Tim and I wonder - if she’s gaining weight, why do we need to get her out? My OB knows best though... we’ll see what this week’s appointment brings. 

In crazy nesting news, I decided while pregnant to get a mole checked out that was not on my chest 4 years ago. Good timing, right? This would be the 3rd time in my life I’ve been to a dermatologist - ! Just from plain magnified sight, he was 99% sure it was Seborrheic Keratosis - not even technically a mole - and more common on older people. Hm! 

So I had my first “mole” shaved off which freaked me out a bit, but thankfully didn’t feel a thing and has put my mind at ease about one thing in my life : ) 


  1. 5 pounds sounds good! glad for this news. yes, we are getting older--weird, right? also, do NOT google seborrheic keratosis for images.

  2. Hooray for positive visits for both of you!

  3. Omg gosh. I seriously need to read your blog daily. Yea for good news today! OMG. I can't believe she could be here next week. And that photo of you the other week, you look amazing!
