Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nora will have a Little...

20 Weeks


Wheeee! We are extremely excited and Tim and I both secretly were hoping for a girl - neither of us really said so either. We can now re-use all the girl clothes in the basement. Not to mention we have “experience” with a girl : )

She was moving a LOT. The technician asked if I’d had caffeine this morning - whoops! Baby Girl moved so much that the technician couldn’t get a good read on her heart, specifically a valve/artery for exiting blood (Sorry, I was really trying to listen well, it was medical words I’m not used to) . 

The second item notated was that one of her brain ventricles was measuring a little on the higher end of normal. Based on these two items, I was given an order for a Level 2 ultrasound to get a better read on her head and heart. Frankly, I’m really anxious about it. I know everyone is going to say “It’ll be just fine,” but no one is going to ease my mind until after Monday afternoon’s appointment. 

I briefly went on some baby message boards and found this isn’t uncommon and tends to work out just fine. This is still my baby though, and I’m going to worry - it’s what we do. 

All the rest of her measurements were right on track.

Positive thoughts, prayers or whatever your form of good vibes towards us are welcome : )

She already looks like Nora!
Frankly, this is creepy.

Hello arm and hand!

Runnin’ legs!


  1. Glad we agree on that second first reaction, "EEEEEK, eyes!"

  2. Yay, another girl! She is precious already! Of course you will worry, that's normal! Prayers & positive thoughts for our little one! Love you all!

  3. Sending you some prayers and positive thoughts, it's so hard not to worry!
