Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mommy’s 6-Week Check Up

6 Weeks

Well I’m doing better than I thought - I’ve been having some tenderness/irritation where I tore, but Dr. Bowen wasn’t concerned and said it’s still healthy skin growing and healing - whew! I still can’t get too active and bendy so I can keep healing, but now I can get back to core/ab exercises!

I was also pleasantly surprised that I’m 8lbs away from pre-baby weight - woo! Tim and I are going to clean up the basement to get the treadmill in place so I can at least walk when I have 20-30 mins here and there. If I can at least do that much [no running yet] then I’ll feel great!

Maybe I should consider Nora as my weights...


  1. Way to go, Stine! That is impressive work! I sure hope I bounce so quickly.

  2. Congrats on the baby weight loss! A friend of ours would wear her son in the Bjorn on their elliptical trainer - he liked the motion, she liked the exercise. :)
