Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It’s Starting...

38 Weeks

The comments at work. “You’re still here?” “Haven’t had that baby yet?” No. I’m just barely 39 weeks people. Common folks must not know that most first-time mothers go 8-10 days past their due dates. So please stop frustrating me, I’m trying to mentally prepare myself to go at least 41 weeks! 

People also think I’m crazy to still be at work and not stay home. Well do you realize how precious those maternity days are? The US/insurance standards for paid maternity leave are dumb so I’d rather keep busy here then sit at home organizing my closets for the umpteenth time and wasting days that could be saved for March.

I’ve also been going through rollercoaster emotions; excitement followed by anxiety mainly. I probably read too much instead of following the path of “ignorance is bliss.” I’m like my father - I research! I’ve read too many books on breastfeeding and sleeping that I’m so nervous about setting a good schedule for her! And will I mess that schedule up when I go back to work? 

This will be a major lesson on many levels - I want to be able to “go with the flow” and try to be as laid back as I can for the sanity of all of us! 


  1. yes-- i was so tired of getting those comments too! i think people just don't know what to say. i felt like pregnancy was good prep for becoming a parent: learning you aren't in control. you are going to be a great mom.

  2. I love that you are a researcher. I plan on getting the abridged version from you! :)
