Friday, September 30, 2011

End of A Busy Week...

1. I’m having a frustrating clothing day. I’ve decided I like full-panel pants way better - these short-banded jeans are driving me nuts, they don’t stay up and none of my shirts seem long enough to hide the preggo bands. I feel like I’m going to have to do more small laundry loads just to be able to wear what works!

2. Your average Jane Doe fashion blog? I’m over it - they annoy me and it seems really self-indulgent to me... maybe I’m just jealous I can’t fit into anything!

3. The person who told me “You don’t get a trophy for natural birth.” Really? I thought that was the only reason for doing it. I just bit my tongue and seethed under my skin. Please don’t throw that comment around until you know the reasons behind someone’s decision to have a non-managed birth.

Wow I’m glad this week is about over - I’m cranky!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe someone actually said that.

    Baby Kron is really lucky to have a headstrong mom who doesn't cave in to other people's judgmental hang-ups. :)
