Thursday, February 4, 2021

Remote School and Looking Forward

We are now about six months into remote school for this year. We had to decide by the end of October what we wanted to do for the second semester. Because, you know, we had a COVID crystal ball. 

We chose to keep the girls remote. Hannah mainly because she cannot wear a mask terribly long and she’s actually doing better than I think in person - because she has a dedicated caregiver for 100% one-on-one instruction. 

Nora, however, I wish we’d sent back – but she loves her remote teachers. She is extremely distracted at home by everything. We’ve tried multiple desk locations, all the tricks... She’s consistently missing assignments and rushes through them. We’re always butting heads. 

Four more months of remote school. 

Summer camp registration was already this week - ! The girls loved it last year and they are capping enrollment at 150 kids. We are sending the girls - they will have been secluded from their classmates 15 months... It’s time to release them with their masks on. Which is a worry for me - Hannah wearing a mask all day at Summer Camp. I hope the exemption note from the pediatrician continues to work for us. 

We have chosen safety as a priority for our family, but I can see now that being in the classroom and somewhat with peers may be worth the risk. I couldn’t rightly predict that back in October. 


  1. If it's any consolation, L has always been at home for school and he is also terribly distracted and rushes through everything. This is such a hard season. <3

  2. You did what you thought was right for your family at the time. Glad Emma chimed in too! You're not alone and you and Tim are doing the best you can.
