Thursday, January 24, 2019

Nora Updates

Some minor updates on the “typical” kid. 

1. At the start of the year, Nora started her own goal - she wants to stop sucking her thumb. She only sucks it when she’s tired - so really, she was only sucking her thumb in the AM and tucking in for the night. She drew up a chart. The first goal was 5 days = $5 toy. 10 days = $10 toy. Then a 15 day goal and a 25 day goal. 

She’s been doing very well for the most part, maybe one or two slides. 

Proud she set her own goal and working towards it!

2. Not sure everyone knew, Nora has lost ZERO teeth. She really wants to lose one like all her friends. 

Nora showed us that there’s an adult tooth coming in behind her lower center incisor! It’s starting to push the baby tooth out, so I have a feeling the dominoes will start falling!


  1. She set her own goal!! Christine, that's so kick-ass. What a great post :)

  2. Hooray for goal setting! That's really fantastic.

    True story: I sucked my thumb well into high school. My parents tried all the things, but none of them were effective. Eventually I just stopped!

    I actually think that sucking my thumb prevented years of damage to my teeth because now I have to wear a nightguard to keep from grinding.
