Friday, September 9, 2016

2 Years Old!

Well, it’s been two years since Hannah came flying into this world. And if you see her now, she’s the squirmiest toddler you’ve ever met - and I thought Nora was a squirm worm!

Hannah’s birthday was Thursday the 1st. It was a typical day and we celebrated with cookies and some board books - it was quiet and uneventful which is okay based on our first year with Hannah!

I think year two can be summed up with one word: patience. She was sitting at 11 months and then... not much. She scoots on her butt and that’s how she moves. 

Finally almost a year later she is pushing from her knees to standing and climbing the full set of stairs and up ottomans to the couch and chair. She can stand supported and we are teaching her to move her feet and cruise the couch. 

We had a GI appointment and we are so close to being done. We need to make sure Hannah is drinking enough fluids through the day. The team does not remove g-tubes before/during flu season - which makes sense; if a child becomes ill, the g-tube is a quick portal for fluids. 

Our next GI appt is March 22nd - forever from now. Hopefully the day the g-tube comes out; the medical need we never saw coming with our Banana.

We had Hannah’s two year checkup... like I’ve said, the pediatrician knows he isn’t the expert for Hannah; medically or on her diagnosis. I’m more of an expert on Ds than that office - but I suppose that’s not their job, right?

Next Friday Hannah will be fitted for orthotics [ankle braces] - most of her peers have them - and have had them for a while. We’ll most likely need to find wide kids’ shoes to fit said orthotics. We’ve been told New Balance... 

So things are good! It’s hard to even remember that incredibly difficult first year - what a year. I like that we can ease up for a bit... until next year when preschool comes into play - !

Happy 2nd Birthday Hannah Banana! You bring us all joy! Keep fighting Baby Girl!


1 comment:

  1. Love these past two years of watching Hannah's progress and bonding with big sister Nora!
