Thursday, October 1, 2015

Baby Glasses Here We Come!

Today was Hannah’s first eye appointment - another on the list of items for kids with Ds to check off their list : ) 

I was a little nervous; her left eye has turned in for as long as I can remember. Her tear ducts  are small and eyes can be goopy. I always wondered if she was able to focus on us too; it seems to take her a while to see who comes into a room. 

After 15 minutes of waiting, we went back and I answered her medical history. The nurse [?] checked out Hannah’s eyes while she sat on my lap. Dr. Motley came in, took a look, then Hannah got some dilating drops. 

We had to wait 30 minutes [!] until they called us back again. 

We had a super-entertaining wait; I think it was a Grandma and her Grandson... He was “jolly” and loud with a flat-billed hat, maybe seven years old. Grandma was all about Hannah; “Ooohhh she look like a livin’ DOLL! She don’t even look REAL!” Um... thanks?? Hahahaha! She just gushed over Hannah, I loved it. Later, as her and her Grandson were leaving, she waved him over to look at the “Dollbaby Girl.” 

The little boy came over, looked at Hannah and loudly said, “She don’t look like Chucky!” I could not control myself; I bust out laughing, “Well I hope not!” He went on a bit of a ramble about seeing Chucky in the store and running away, then telling me not to let Hannah watch Chucky and that she should only watch Disney Jr. ... it was a HOOT. Made my afternoon. 

Dr. Motley took another look at Hannah’s dilated eyes... 

In summary; Hannah’s left eye does turn inward and she has a bit of far-sightedness. To correct the turning, we’ll start with baby glasses! Which is what I prepared for and am totally fine with - not sure how Hannah will do with them - ?? In 6-8 weeks we’ll go back and see how her eyes are doing. If they are straightening out, all good, probably stick with glasses part-time. If not, we’ll do a patch over her strong right eye to let the left eye straighten out and strengthen. 

The glasses are flexible plastic with a band around the back:

Whew! So baby glasses - all good. Let’s hope it can help her out a bit. Surgery would be a last-ditch effort, but Dr. Motley didn’t see that as necessary - whew! Lord knows I don’t need another surgery - am I right? 

For your viewing pleasure: Hannah smoking a veggie stick. Don’t smoke, kids.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, it does look like she has a stogie & love her expression! Definitely does not look like Chucky! What an entertaining dr. visit! I laughed out loud reading about it! She will be even more adorable in glasses!
