Saturday, August 17, 2013

Girls’ Saturday

20 Months, Week 2

Unfortunately, Tim had to work today because of a Wal-Mart/Cascade emergency that reared its head on Friday. Major bummer, but Nora and I could spend some time together which was nice. 

After some Sesame Street, we ate some breakfast and put ourselves together and made our way to the library - ours is just down the street and has a great kids/toddler section with a toy kitchen and puppets and blocks for the kids to play with. 

Then Nora and I made our way to downtown Milford to the park and Nora loved going down the small slide several times. 

We made some Annie’s mac-n-cheese for lunch which was a rather mess:

Please note the pasta shell stuck in her hair. Sweet.

Later today we headed to our friend’s the Fearings along with some other of my college friends and grilled out and caught up as much as we could - since chasing after Nora takes two grown-ups. It was so fun to see our friends and Nora enjoyed seeing baby Adrian and friend Alice Heyl who starts kindergarten on Wednesday! 

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