Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ramping Up and Slowing Down

Some positive lifestyle shifts in my schedule this week. 

First: Tuesday AM I woke up at 5:10am [!] to pump and then hit the pavement at 5:25am. It wasn’t as hard as I thought since I wake so early anyway. Running before the sun rises is pretty fantastic; no cars, stillness, quiet. It sounds hokey, but even the scents in the air were fantastic: flora and fauna and woody smoke scents. I was actually surprised I didn’t run into any woodland creatures! I ran 3 miles and the sky was brightening when I got back just before 6am. 

AND we all got out of the house at our normal time.

I can get used to that.

Second: Today I did NOT bring my pump to work. You guys, it was pretty awesome. I only took two bags to work instead of three, and my day was not interrupted with the rhythmic sounds of the milk machine. I’m down to waking up and before bedtime. One and a half weeks left. Then I can wear dresses again! 

Summer is going to be just lovely : )

Thankfully I’ve never needed to talk on the phone while pumping - !

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