Monday, June 29, 2015

Hannah Updates

Nothing major, but one really fun thing: Hannah is clapping and waving! We’ll have to attempt to get video.

Hannah is doing very well with balance and inches closer to sitting on her own. However, our Help Me Grow physical therapist wants us to get BACK to tummy time now and work on keeping her legs together [instead of “frogging” apart] - helping her hips work properly will help with crawling and walking in the future.

Solids are still a work in progress. Hannah ingests some, but still lots of pushing it out with her tongue and raspberry-ing it out. We’re also working on tiny bits of puffs and whole foods like tiny bits of fruit. If it hits the back middle of her tongue she gags, so I shove it to the side of her mouth and she’s chewing it.

I don’t see the g-tube coming out anytime soon - once Hannah eats orally, then we can finally be rid of it. Until then, all her nutrition is formula : (

One of Hannah’s birth group friends dropped off a very nice gift - a small, low table for her to practice sitting/arm support. They use these at physical therapy but cost an exorbitant amount of money. Thomas’ uncle made a load of these and the family was generous to offer Hannah one!


  1. That table is awesome! What a simple but great idea for little ones.

  2. What a fantastic gift! What an incredible strong little girl! <3
