Saturday, June 13, 2015

Nine. Months. Pumping.

I’m free. Yet with a touch of sadness. 

I wasn’t sure why I felt slightly sad to end exclusive pumping after over nine months. I finally realized it’s because Hannah - developmentally - is more like a 5-month old; not sitting on her own, isn’t eating much solids, nor drinking from a sippy cup. All this adds up to me feeling a bit guilty drying myself up. 

I know I did a great job - longer and more volume than Nora received, so I am proud of what Hannah received. 

I feel like I’ve been pumping for so long, yet *bam* here I am in the blink of an eye, done! 

My goal had been 6 months/ when Hannah got through surgery. I look back now and am glad her surgery was pushed to 8 months, which pushed me further than I planned on. Hannah has so much stacked against her physically and cognitively; I just want to give her the best I can... 

On the bright side: Freeeeeeedom! Less parts washing! My nightstand is empty again! 

Really - only half of this disappeared; we still need bottles and tube feeding : )

Goodbye black bag!

I mean...


  1. Wow! Nine months pumping is some extreme dedication! Congratulations. Hannah is a lucky girl. Enjoy your freedom! But yeah, I wasn't really prepared for the emotions of stopping either...
