Friday, April 24, 2015

Still Pumping... [and Feeding Updates]

For those who are interested [which are probably three?] I’m still pumping 5X a day. 

Which is kind of a happy accident? I can’t think of the right term; basically my goal was to pump Hannah through heart surgery. I thought I’d be cutting way back by now, but as we all know, surgery still has not happened, so I am not letting up yet. 

I can’t believe I went 3 months waking up twice in the night to pump. Zombie. Then three more months waking up once to pump. Dropping the middle of the night really helped me mentally with everything we have going on with Hannah. 

I still wake up at 5:30 on weekdays to pump before I shower, then just after I get to work at 8:30am, 11:30am, 4pm, and finally at 8:30pm. I think my next adjustment if we ever get Hannah’s heart repaired will be dropping 1 of my 3 pumps at work. Then eventually one at work, then down to mornings and nights. I remember with Nora, we wrapped up nursing with just a morning and bedtime feeding - not having to bring that darn black bag with me was so liberating! 

Did you know I don’t wear dresses at work so that I have “easy access?” Blah! Temporary! 

And you know what? ALL of my pumping amounts to about 15oz a day. Yup. It’s total crap. I’ve always been an under-supplier. I do what I can but I’m not stressing about it. Hannah gets the real stuff and the fake stuff and she’s doing well for what she has going on. I’ve heard some women complain about their supply tanking [to my amounts] and I want to say “Guess what? That’s all some of us even produce!”

I digress - after almost a month of trying pureed foods with Hannah, she seems to be catching on a bit and not blowing as many raspberries. I’ll be curious to see after surgery if she re-learns bottles or we get heavier into solids... I know kids with Ds tend to be on the bottle a bit longer, so we’ll see! My baby is still hitting her milestones, she’s just taking her time : ) 


  1. You're amazing. I can't wait to be done pumping.

  2. Haha. I always wonder who really cares about my nursing/pumping too when I start writing about it but then I remember it's my blog. Count me as the 4th interested! I like to know how other people are making things work since everyone has to navigate a different situation. This is my 2nd week I've not pumped during work and man is it a luxury! You are doing a great job for your baby girl!

  3. You are a rock star--but we all knew that. :) Love that pic of your sweet baby girl!

  4. You are awesome! All you pumpers amaze me. I cannot even fathom how hard it is getting up in the middle of the night pumping and at work too.
