Tuesday, March 10, 2015

April 21st

Hannah’s next surgery date is my Mom’s birthday. Our last scheduled date was her Aunt Molly’s birthday. Some trend, huh? 6 weeks feels like an eternity...

I’m already anxious about keeping her completely healthy. Lockdown in a bubble at least two weeks out; not sure how strict we can be since Tim and I both work full time : P

On the bright side, Hannah’s cold is making its way out. The past two nights she’s had a coughing period from 11:30-12:30am but I’ve simply held her until she calms down and falls back asleep. So I’ve felt the most rested since about two weeks ago. 

My Mom graciously came down and spent two nights with us last week which was a big weight off me. Hannah got a full day of breathing treatments which put my mind at ease. My Mom also wakes at the buttcrack of dawn which Nora did all last week, so I could just lay in bed. 

Both my sisters also came this weekend to lend a hand as well. I’m very lucky. Tim is feeling more like himself except for the lifting part. His follow up is today but we’re not sure if he’ll be allowed to lift Hannah yet. He still doesn’t feel comfortable opening our heavy sliding door - !

Getting some more rest, Hannah’s fleeting cold, and the warmers temperatures have me feeling better this week...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Christine.....your last few posts brought back MANY memories & a flood gate of tears. You will get through this rough patch & live to tell about it years from now :) I have spent so many sleepless nights with/ because of my Ryan that I completely feel your pain. So many parents ask me now how I survived, how did you do it day after day? I put a lot of faith in God and constantly reminded myself that he my gift for a reason....that I would take the best care, be patient, LOVE him & accept him for who he was. I tell people all the time that I don't look back, I don't want to remember where we've been, it was a grueling journey, only look forward to where we are going, one minute, one hour, one day, one month, one year at a time. As hard as it may be accept the cold setback as blessing in disguise, maybe Hannah's surgeon wouldn't have had his best day, maybe Tim needed to be healthy for your sake, whatever it may have been, God knows his reasoning and what is best for your family, even if it didn't seem like it at the time....hang in there. LOVE you kid!! Hugs, Brenda
