Wednesday, February 18, 2015

March Madness = an additional family surgery

We found out this past Thursday that Tim’s abdominal pain is indeed a hernia. We decided to schedule the in-patient surgery as soon as possible - you know, a week and a half before Hannah’s open heart surgery. * sigh *

1. Tim’s pain is growing
2. God forbid if Hannah’s surgery was bumped, we wouldn’t want to push out Tim’s procedure and further

We’re going out of town this weekend with friends which is a good thing - take a break from the daily house needs and just try to relax before Monday comes and my husband is laid up for two weeks of no work, no driving and no lifting above 10lbs. Hannah is 12+ lbs. 

So needless to say, my anxiety is ramping up. I’m trying to be sympathetic to the rough recovery Tim is going to have but keep thinking how hard it’s going to be to handle a 5 month old and an even more demanding three year old. Thankfully Grandmothers are on call and we have a close-by sitter and everyone kindly says “Let me know how I can help... ” 

I’m not even thinking about Hannah’s surgery yet. One hurdle at a time. 

I just hope we make it through March in one piece...


  1. You'll make it Stiner. You four always do. And again, let me know if I can help... I'll try to!

  2. Poor Tim! What timing... Sorry it's so stressful right now. Keeping you all in my thoughts.
