Saturday, March 28, 2020

Ohio Quarantine Week 2

Our first quarantine weekend was good.

We FaceTimed friends Friday night. My office had an online Happy Hour. We blew up the air mattress and Nora got to watch a movie we actually purchased. 

Last Saturday was some laundry and bathroom cleaning. We made cookies. I made a ClickList order for a Tuesday pickup – I had a hunch a lockdown was coming so I made sure to get ahead of the game. I was right. 

Sunday I ran 3 miles after feeling anxiety and sadness creep up. By the end of the day we were all in a good mood. 

We took a drive to nowhere just to feel like we were going anywhere. It was actually nice - we live on the edge of the greater Cincinnati metropolitan area, so we can dip into rural country very easily. Both girls fell asleep and it was actually nice.

Week 2 has been better-ish; our expectations are set (lower)... I’ve seen enough social chit chat telling parents to give themselves grace; at the end of the day, if the kids are happy, their mental health is more important than academics. I keep reminding myself that and I feel less tense. 

The influx of worksheets, emails and links from the schools and therapists are a bit overwhelming; 26 so far since the schools closed on 3/16. All Hannah’s therapists are wanting to schedule video therapy for Hannah which is just adding to my stress of working and keeping the kids progressing.

Emails, emails, emails.

Spring is here, flowers are out, everything is turning green - thank God this weather is now cooperating for our mental health and moods! 

I wish I could pop out and get flowers but I’m staying back for the greater good!

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