Monday, October 21, 2019

Invitations For Hannah

It’s hard as a working parent to get involved at school, let alone preschool – Mother’s Day program at 11am? I can’t! I don’t know many other kids or families and Hannah can’t communicate who her friends are. 

Then two rainbows popped up a couple weeks ago. 

First, a Mom reached out to me asking if I was Hannah’s Mom. Her daughter talks about playing with Hannah at school. The Mom suggested we make a playdate and I thanked her - what a big deal for us! Preschoolers do not see differences. 

Then the same week, Hannah received a birthday invitation - except this wasn’t an entire-class-invite. There were only two other kids invited. I had to message the Mother to even confirm that her daughter went to Milford preschool! The Mom told me her daughter named Hannah as her first friend she wanted to invite 💕

Now, this birthday party overlaps Ballet Moves and it’s at our swim school, so that means I have to put on a bathing suit to attend Hannah in the water. Normally I wouldn’t have even accepted this invite, but because Hannah was specifically asked among two other children, I’m going to pony up because this means a lot. 

I walked Hannah in to Extended Day after her eye appt this morning and everyone chimed “Hannah!!! as if she were Norm at Cheers. It always makes my heart swell. 

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