Sunday, July 29, 2012

Garage Sale

7 Months, Week 4

We held our first ever garage sale Saturday - Amy and Dottie added onto our loot so it felt fairly rounded out. We ran from 8am - 4pm and did okay I think. The Kieffer boys were very helpful, entertaining Nora and even mowed our grass for a video game system! 

Essentially, Tim and I are purging the house and finishing up some small projects to get on the market by [if not before] March... if a second baby were to come, there’s no way we could comfortably stay in this house. Not to mention mortgage rates are great right now!

It’s been fun “window” shopping online and realized that school district now has to be a main driver - ! We still like the idea of staying in West Chester - we could move fairly far and still be in the Lakota school district. Or maybe Mason or Loveland... we’ll see!