Saturday, November 29, 2014

Reflux Sux

12 Weeks

We had a really bad spit up episode this morning that shook me. Hannah was upright after her bottle for 30 minutes and I laid her down to kick around and wiggle. After a bit, I picked her up for being a little fussy and she started gagging/heaving and spitting up yellow bile, arching her back and crying inconsolably. It. Was. Awful. 

This is the worst I have seen it, with a spit up maybe once a day in the past week or two. 

The signs today were a red flag for reflux. SO many kids with Down syndrome have reflux due to their floppy esophagus. Eventually they grow out of it once their esophagus’ grow. 

I really don’t want to put her on prescription meds, but seeing her in that pain was unbearable. I’m researching some homeopathic options and may talk to the medical professionals if it’s safe to go that route instead of prescription meds : (


1 comment:

  1. oh man, i feel for you! martha had reflux and it was so terrible to see her in pain and barf up so much. we put her on a medication and i think it helped, but maybe she just outgrew it. good luck... hopefully she will outgrow it quickly.
