Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Mini Milestones

12 Weeks

Literally at the 12 week mark, Hannah has slept through the night two nights in a row now. Good for Hannah, great for Tim, but I’m still the milk producer : P However, since I’d read that your supply is established at 12 weeks, I decided to drop a pump last night and only wake once. I can happily say it worked out. 

Pumped at 9:30pm, 1:30am and 5:45am. The amount of milk was the same as if I’d pumped twice in the night. So happy to get that extra bit of extended sleep, now if I could just not toss and turn between 4-6am! 

I also checked my work email yesterday and have meetings be scheduled for next week already. I go back next week. Holy time warp.

This is going to be me at work - “Yes, let’s leverage those assets.”
:: eyeroll ::


  1. so impressed she's sleeping through the night! and good luck with your transition! that pic is funny! oh dear.

  2. I tried my hands free pumping bra last week. I felt like a FemBot. And then the second time I used it, I didn't get everything in place properly because my boobs were getting pinched AND covered in milk. Technology!

    1. Haha! I said the same thing - I felt like a FemBot from Austin Powers!
