Friday, January 25, 2013


13 Months, Week 3

So not only am I moving to a new town tomorrow, but I also was told on Wednesday that I’m being reassigned to a new team and new brand at work. Huh. 

I knew I wanted to get off the Febreze brand by the end of 2013, but realizing that in 6 weeks I won’t be working with my team anymore really does make me sad. I’ve spent years working with them and building relationships that will probably dwindle since I’ll also be moving across the building. Which is a bit of a blow. I’m probably sitting in the best seat in this entire office - it’s against a window by the entrance with almost double the space of most cubes. Now I’ll be going to zero daylight and a normal cube with low ceilings. It’s a hard pill to swallow [since I’m spoiled right now] and I’m seriously worried how my spirit will react to the physical environment. 

Change is good though, right? You start to go through the motions and you get in a comfort zone. It really will be good for my skill set and build my portfolio. Two major parts of my life are changing in a drastic way and I hope I can handle it...

Thursday morning I woke up at 4am and my brain was alert. This morning I woke up at 4:30 and the brain kept rolling until I got up at 5:50am. Even my theta waves couldn’t lull my brain down. I’m sure it’s going to take another week or so before I can get a good night’s sleep and my brain can calm down...

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