Monday, July 2, 2012

Weebles Wobble...

6 Months Week 4

Not too much to report - Nora is very close to sitting on her own - she’s fairly stable but falls here and there. Still very roly-poly and pivots on her belly - she likes to wiggle under the coffee table and is not tipping over her toy basket. 

Today was all over the place - she was very happy most of the day, though very tired and yawning between naps. After waking at 12pm, she was a grump. Wouldn’t eat her cereal and kept crying... I tried nursing her and was straining to poop - which was successful. She was still grumpy and did not nurse afterwards. We made up a bottle and she only drank about half of it before turning it away.

She has no fever and we can’t see/feel any teeth. So I nervously loaded Nora and I into the car to visit some friends - she fell asleep within 5 minutes in the car! When we arrived to our destination she was just fine and enjoyed playing on the floor with toys. We left after 1 hour and again, Nora fell asleep within a few minutes in the car!

Of course I left her in the pumpkin seat when we got home and she’s been sleeping in it since! It’s been 1hr 20 mins now.... Who knows what her deal is today - just one of those “off” days!

*Edit: She slept until 4:20 in her pumpkin seat! Was in a great mood for the rest of the evening - my conclusion is that she just had to poop to feel better!

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca is a roly-poly too. She's been rolling from back to front since just after 4 months but has not mastered front to back (even though developmentally they do that first), she's done it but I think it is an accident most times. She pivots on her tummy all the time and pushes herself back with her arms until she's halfway across the room. So fun to watch them learn and develop. Love reading your blog since Nora is only a couple months older, she's a cutie.

    -Anne Fox
