Children with Down syndrome get regular blood work to keep up on their health and any hidden illnesses.
The labs cover; celiac disease, thyroid, red and white blood cells, and iron levels. We have friends who have celiac, low iron, and various autoimmune disorders.
In 2018, Hannah’s white blood cell count was about 5.3. Normal range is about 5.5-15.5.
In 2019, Hannah was at 6.45.
In early October, her WBC was 2.93 which prompted a call from our pediatrician. However, the rest of Hannah’s labwork was in normal range, so it’s not as critical as, say, other wonky numbers that point to leukemia. God forbid.
We had a 2nd draw last Friday and her WBC was still hovering around 2.87.
Our pediatrician is stumped and therefore referring us to Hematology... which sounds daunting and I am slightly nervous just because *something* could be slowly causing her WBC to drop over the years. Those of us who have kids with DS know that low WBC is very common.
We’re headed into Children’s this Friday morning and will keep everyone posted - keep fingers crossed and prayers up.