Wednesday evening I was blindsided with aches and chills. Second time this “winter?” I missed work Thursday and Friday which I’m not sure has ever happened in my entire 15 year career?? Aches, chills, fever, fatigue. No stomach issues - thankfully?
*I’d also worked from home the previous Friday because we woke up and the thermostat was at 58˚ - ! I stayed home for Recker & Boerger to arrive only to find out we simply needed to change the batteries in our thermostat - !! #adultlessons
Saturday AM I woke up with Hannah at 6:45am. I thought I was good... we *had* to get Hannah a mattress at IKEA. But the aches and fatigue were not leaving. I powered through [because that’s what women do] and we made it through the hell that is IKEA on a Saturday.
I was pretty much laid out the rest of Saturday. It was over 70˚ outside and I was shivering from the chills/100˚ fever. Popped an ibuprofen which I love... once it kicked in I started overheating! Felt so much better - !
Woke up Sunday much better - good start for our annual World Down syndrome Day 5K! The past two years have hovered around 30˚ and dry. This year: 60˚ and rainy. I think most preferred this year’s weather!
I chose not to run obviously because I was getting over the flu [?]. I didn’t mind, I enjoyed the time with my sisters. The rain held out until halfway, then it started sprinkling. Everyone was a champ and I smartly packed everyone extra clothes.
Our afternoon was spent transitioning Hannah’s room! Out with the crib, in with a full mattress on the floor. Girlfriend rolls a lot at night, so we knew we’d start on the floor.
She did great! Lots of rolling, but no waking!
I, on the other hand, slept like garbage and woke at 3am with chills again - noooooo! I felt good Sunday - !? So this is probably Day Five of the flu... I will be going to see if Tamiflu is administered this late in the game : (