Able to get a family photo - finally! My Dad has been on a mission for what feels like a year and a half. I make no guarantees if my girls will cooperate!
Friday was the Kron shindig; lots of people and lots of noise! [A lot from my girls] They were able to see their cousins from in and out of town. I couldn’t really relax at either party - just too much Hannah-wrangling and making sure she was eating food.
Saturday we tried to check out downtown Milford’s holiday event. However, Nora did not want to go into any shop; no candy canes, no hot chocolate, no Santa, nothing. Lame.
We did put up our Christmas decorations which was fun - Nora helped a lot and then I re-arranged the ornaments once she went to bed - ha!
Always love our cozy Christmas set-up! |