The time leading up might have been more stressful than the day itself - and a lot of parents in the same boat would agree. I think Nana and Grammy helped us for six weeks [?] to keep our girls quarantined before surgery. We were bumped three times. Tim had a hernia surgery in the middle of the waiting. Did I mention I nodded off at a red light during the Hannah sick/Tim recovery week? It was hard for everyone!
I’m still amazed we were home in 3 1/2 days. The surgery didn’t seem to phase Hannah’s disposition.
I’m still amazed that modern medicine/surgeons constructed a missing WALL in her heart to create chambers. They created valves to control her blood flow. Just mind-boggling.
I’ll never forget the wave of relief and emotion that rushed over me when the staff came out to say “She’s all done -everything went great.” After a year of anxiety and stress, it all washed over me and I cried. I think all of us in the waiting room cried. What a flipping huge deal for a nine-month old to go through.
I will never stop fighting and shouting the strength and ferocity of Hannah. She is our little Warrior then and forever.
Thanks to Tink and Key for their fantastic [and well-designed] shirts for all us Warriors!